Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Once Upon a Time (Catching up on History)

Once upon a time not long ago there was a girl. This girl had a home teacher who was a very good home teacher indeed. He gave regular lessons and a treat here and there and the kids loved him so. One day this home teacher looked at the girl and thought to himself, “ I know a man who would be a good match, maybe if I introduce them… just maybe she’ll find him to be a good catch.” A month or two passed and they still had not met but had heard so much about each other. They had common friends and the girl knew one day, she was bound to meet him in some special way. She decided it would be less awkward if she introduced herself, so she wrote him an email addressing herself. It did not take long before the man wrote back with novel of great length. The words he wrote impressed the girl so she continued to write figuring he would be a great friend. Question after question was asked until over a month later they finally had the chance to act. For that girl wanted music and the man had a lot… so one Sunday afternoon they finally met face to face. That girl looked into the eyes of the man she felt she knew, for decades upon decades even though that may not be true. The man looked back and in his hand he held a snowball that came flying before a word had even left his mouth. They found themselves on the couch sharing music for hour upon hour, until the girl had to leave. It did not take long before the two grew fonder and fonder of each other and one Sunny day that man got down on his knees in front of an arch so delicate and neat. He asked that girl if she would be his wife, and asked the kids if it would be ok if he could be their Dad. Everyone had smiles on their face as it was agreed that would be great. Not long after, the two were married, and with this began a new story, of a little family of two boys and girls, they are called the Dudley’s and they love each other more than anything in this world.


  1. I'm so glad you started a blog! We love your family. Congrats on the new baby boy!
