Thursday, October 10, 2013

Ryker the Toddler

Little Ryker is no longer a baby. He is very much a toddler these days. He started walking before he turned 11 months old and now he is running his mom ragged as he gets into everything under the moon.

Never ever leave Ryker alone in a bathroom. He will open every drawer he can reach and empty it. Then he will proceed to unroll 100 feet of toilet paper, wet it with toilet water, and than paper mache the floor and walls. Then he will take the one toy he brought with him and put that in the toilet to see if it floats. Thank goodness he has not figured out how to flush or I am sure we would have had to unclog the toilets a handful of times.

Ryker is turning out to be a little smaller than his brothers. Both Ashton and Jace have always been a little above average in height. Ryker is a little below average. But the strange thing is he eats more than Jace and Ashton combined at the age of one. I really don't know what to think of it. The boy just loves to eat yet he has not one roll on him. Looks like he got his Dad's metabolism.

Our little toddler talks ALL the time. He is never quiet. Can you understand him? Nope not really. But he knows what he is saying and seems pretty adamant about his demands and opinions. So much that if you argue with him he will scream back at you.

Ryker is a huge cuddler. The little boy always wants to snuggle up and loves to have his back rubbed. This is most likely the sweetest things about him... his ability to covey love through touch. He is definitely a Wilde in that respect.

This boy has no fear of anything. Take him on a motorcycle or a rollercoaster... makes no difference he will not cry. He loves to be thrown, flipped, and twirled. He is definitely an adrenaline junky.

Ryker is still very much blond and his eyes are still VERY blue. His looks remind me of my father. Like I said before he has a lot of Wilde in him.

Little Ryker has been a joy to raise as a baby. And our family is looking forward to him as a toddler. We love Ryker.

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