Monday, September 24, 2012

Ryker Charles Dudley

 A while back ago we went into our OB's office to get an ultrasound done because I was measuring small as usual. And as always even though I was not showing it on the outside, the baby was measuring big on the inside. So my husband and I thought for a while and decided to induce on the 17th of September.

As the date began to creep nearer, I found that I was getting a decent amount of anxiety over my last pregnancy and birth. This was abnormal for me. But I was worried that since my last three had gone so well, it was my statistical turn for something to go wrong. As I fell asleep that night, I found myself to be very emotional and very anxious.

The next morning I felt a little better. We gathered things up and headed over to my parents house to drop off our two boys. Then we headed to the hospital where we arrived promptly at 7AM to begin my long day of inducing the baby. Here is a very quick and shortened version of the labor and delivery.

1- Needles and questions and bags and bags of liquid with various drugs and sugars in them.
2- Contractions start but nothing I could not handle.
3- Dr comes in wants to break my water and encouraged me to get my epidural before he does so, claiming the pain will increase 10 fold.
4- I conscent to an epidural but it only worked on my left side of my body.
5- Dr. breaks water and I swear half of the weight I was carrying gushed all around me.
6- Contractions get more intense and closer together. Half of my body is still feeling all of it.
7- Eventually I have a different Dr. redo the epidural completely.
8- Epidural worked perfectly, Thanks Dr. Fisher.
9- hours go by. Around 5PM I finally make it to a Ten.
10- Wait for Dr for about an hour.
11- Dr comes in tells me to push. I give it one big push and the head came out revealing that the umbilical chord was wrapped around the babies neck twice. Dr removes the chord twice and tells me to give just a little push.
12. Out he came at 7 lbs, 11 ounces, 20 inches long, and screaming his lungs off making everyone raise their eyebrows in astonishment that a newborn could have lungs like that. Baby rated a very high 9 on the health chart. Hair was light brown, eyes to be decided (I think they may be brown, Curtis things they will turn blue like the other two boys).

And that is pretty much how it went. I had a bit of a problem with excessive bleeding and low blodd pressure and had to be under close watch for the night but baby was a picture of health and took to nursing like a true boy.

It took us about a day to come up with the name. And in the end Curtis gave him his first and I gave him his middle name. So officially he is named, Ryker Charles Dudley. And yes for all you treky fans I have heard all the jokes about unisuits and calling him number one.

So far, Ryker has turned out to be a pretty easy going baby. I have not heard those pipes he displayed since his birth. He seems to have a good amount of patience for a baby and he is just so darn cute. He looks a lot like Jace did when he was a baby so my guess is he will grow up to be blond, dark skinned, and have similar facial features to Jace. Time will tell.

And finally, pictures! Cause lets face it, most of you are here to see pictures:)

Grandpa Dudley and Ryker

Grandpa and Grandma Wilde with my boys Ashton, Jace, and Ryker

Dad and Ryker

Mom and Ryker. Note: I want you all to know that I really don't like after birth pictures with me in it since I look like a train wreck. So feel privileged that I put one up for you all anyway with no makeup, crazy hair, and completely worn out.

Mom Dudley and Ryker

I would like to give a special thanks to my parents for watching the boys for me for a few days. And to Holly for helping out with Sage. Curtis is a very protective and caring husband and does not like to leave his wife alone in the hospital in case something were to happen. And of course a special thanks to my husband Curtis for being an amazing husband who obviously loves me more than anything.

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